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10 stories hotel Oze

10 stories Oze

02. cycling

See majestic nature on two wheels

Cycling through the Ginzandaira valley is an active and convenient way to experience the untamed, unfiltered natural beauty of this wild landscape. Several trails are accessible directly from Ten Stories Oze, ranging from beginner-friendly paths that allow you to explore the hotel’s surroundings to steep roads that will challenge even experienced hill-climbers. Riding with the wind in your hair, you’ll be crossing little streams, diving into primeval forest, and spotting snow-covered peaks in the distance. Stop to take in the views, and you’ll hear nature itself. Our staff are happy to assist you with route suggestions and directions.

How to make a reservation

Electric-assist bicycle rental: ¥1,650/1.5 hours (helmet included)
Note that rentals do not include accident insurance or compensation for eventual damages. Please acquire your own travel insurance.

10 stories Oze

10 experiences to become one with nature. We will guide you through experiences that can only be found in Oze jujo, each unique to the changing seasons.