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10 stories hotel Oze

10 stories Oze

03. mountaineering

Scale pristine peaks

As you step through the morning mist high above rugged, forest-covered hillsides, not a soul in sight except for the occasional bird and buzzing insect, dreamlike scenery extends all around you. This is Japan’s last true wilderness, and Ten Stories Oze is the ideal base for adventurers hoping to capture views of the majestic landscape from above. Tucked away in the secluded Ginzandaira valley, our hotel is surrounded by mountains that, with proper preparation, can be scaled in a single day. Among these are several 2,000-meter peaks all but untouched by human hands, where rare alpine plants thrive in rolling marshlands punctuated by tiny lakes.

Mt. Echigo-Komagatake (2,003m) and Mt. Arasawadake (1,969m) can be summited in one day from the hotel. Guests are also offered the exclusive opportunity to climb the 2,141-meter Mt. Hiragatake via a special route closed to the public. This trail allows for a trek to the peak and back in less than eight hours. Special tours from Ten Stories Oze to Mt. Hiragatake are organized several times a year; keep an eye on our website and social media feeds for details.

Note: Climbing any of the aforementioned mountains requires proper mountaineering equipment. The trail to Mt. Arasawadake is especially challenging and should not be attempted by inexperienced hikers.

How to make a reservation

10 stories Oze

10 experiences to become one with nature. We will guide you through experiences that can only be found in Oze jujo, each unique to the changing seasons.